penguin pov

The ask: How can Penguin make books and reading an unmissable part of pop culture?

Well, It’s no secret that people LOVE to share their opinions. 

Whether it’s about a topic we care deeply about, just to be a part the conversation, or even to play devil’s advocate, we love to make our perspectives heard. Because of the public’s love of debate, Penguin is starting a virtual book club. And no, it’s not going to be a bunch of wine-drinking moms gossiping and talking about the latest romance novel they read. Penguin is going to spark conversations posing new questions about classic stories we all know. With these refreshing and potentially controversial perspectives, we’ll encourage our audience to share their POV on well-known books, placing Penguin at the center of these social conversations.

Instagram Posts

Instagram Stories

Twitter Engagement


Penguin will continue the conversation on Twitch. Their Twitch channel will fall under the “Just Chatting” category which allows streamers to have freeform conversations with viewers without playing a video game. Every stream has a live chat feed where users can chat with the streamer and other viewers who participate in the chat.

Twitch allows for a two-way conversation between the streamer and viewers that is inclusive of the audience’s live opinions. There is also an option for streamers to send polls in the chat which will encourage active engagement with the discussions around books.

Copy – Hannah Glickenhaus

Art – India Pearman

Strategy / Copy – Jenny Kim


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